We believe our website and information should be accessible and readable for all.
For interpreting services, please contact Language Loop (VITS) on 03 9280 1941
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS):
TTY Users | 133 677
speak and listen users | 1300 555 727
internet relay users | Connect to the National Relay Service
video relay users | Choose the available NRS video relay contact on Skype
SMS relay users | 0423 677 767
If you would like to provide us with feedback about the accessibility of this website, our services, or our cemeteries and memorial parks, please contact us.
Our commitment to accessibility
We're working with representatives from the communities we serve to prioritise our efforts to improve access to:
cemetery grounds, buildings and facilities
an inclusive customer experience
an inclusive workforce experience