
We aim to understand your needs, concerns, and aspirations by engaging, listening to, and working with you. This helps us provide the very best service we can.

We support around 12,500 families a year, drawn from a range of multicultural and multi-faith communities across the greater Melbourne region.

Every family we work with, every visitor we welcome, and every person we provide with final care and a peaceful resting place is connected in some way to a local community.

How we connect

In order to reach our diverse communities, we need to approach them in a variety of ways. That might mean meeting face-to-face, through presentations or meetings, via media releases, social media, or joining our online engagement community Your Say GMCT.

We work with volunteers and friends groups, employees and employee groups, stakeholders and business partners, local residents, customers and visitors, and continue to expand and strengthen our connections.

Get involved

Volunteering is a great way for people, regardless of their age, cultural background, location or circumstances, to get involved in the community and make a positive contribution to their local cemetery. Research shows that volunteering has many benefits to health and wellbeing, in addition to the feeling of satisfaction of helping others. Please contact the various community groups below if you would like to know more about volunteering at our cemeteries.

Friends groups

Our friends groups and volunteers are making significant contributions towards our cemeteries and are offering their time, talents and expertise in many areas. We are proud to work with the following groups:

Historical groups and societies

Many local historical societies organise events and projects involving our cemeteries. If you would like to find out more, we recommend that you visit the Royal Historical Society of Victoria's website and search for your local historical societies or groups.

Do you have an interest in the history and significance of our cemeteries?

Visit the resources section of our website to find out more.

Book a tour or presentation

If you represent a community, religious or care-giving group and are interested in a presentation on cemeteries past, present and future, please contact us to find out about the next opportunity. We also offer a limited number of tours of several cemeteries across the Melbourne region.