It was a beautiful Melbourne autumn day for our event. Due to restrictions, we held two sessions at 10am–12pm and 2–4pm.
Both events were well attended by our families who had purchased crypts, key people from cemetery trusts, councillors from the Merri-bek City Council, GMCT Trust members, GMCT Community Advisory Committee members, project suppliers including architects and construction firms, and GMCT people.
It was our great pleasure to welcome Darien Pullen the artist who created the Holy Mother statue that is at the heart of the new plaza. The unveiling of the statue marked the official opening of the Plaza of the Holy Angels Mausoleum which was blessed by Bishop Terence Curtin and Fr Vito Pegolo.
The statue of the Holy Mother was unveiled at both events by our Deputy Trust Chair, Liz Beattie accompanied at the afternoon event by Cr Mark Riley, Mayor of the City of Moreland.
James Reid, Chief Future Built Environment Officer spoke at both events which were chaired by Phil Snow General Manager, Eastern Region Operations.
At both events Bishop Terence Curtin and Fr Vito Pegolo blessed the mausoleum and the crypts for the families that had requested this service. At the afternoon event Fr Vito Pegolo gave a beautiful speech in Italian that delighted all.
Simone Spiteri Senior Client Services Consultant gave the reading at the morning event and Victor Mascarenhas Senior Project Manager at the afternoon event.
You can find further information about the Plaza of the Holy Angels Mausoleum and more photographs of the event here.